FALL 2023
(2024 schedule coming soon)

Sunday Mornings at 9:00am
Sunday school for Children – Gospel Light: This curriculum will
guide our kids to a deeper understanding of Jesus. Its goal is to
help every child know that God loves and cares for them, that God sent
Jesus to show His love for all of us, and that God’s Word helps us learn
about God’s greatness and goodness.
Childcare for infants and toddlers – 2nd floor classroom
• Preschool Class – 2nd floor classroom
• Grades K-2 – 3rd floor classroom
• Grades 3-5 – 3rd floor classroom
Teen/Adult Class – Finding your Strengths: We are born with a gift.
But most people don’t know the power of their gifts. Does this sound
familiar? Most churchgoers don’t get to do what they do best in church.
This study will help us to see the gifts in ourselves and others and help
us to use those gifts for growth and service. (TBD)
Teen/Adult Class – Refract: Take a deeper dive as we take the
scriptures from the prior week’s sermon, filter it through our
experience, and let it take us to the next level so that it changes the
direction of our lives and prepares our hearts for this week’s sermon.
(Carla Miner)
Teen/Adult Class – Koinonia: This group continues the journey
through Faith Working through Love. Join us as we seek answers and
discuss what we believe, why we believe it, and how it helps us grow.
(Korky Davis)
Sunday Night Small Group 6:00-7:30pm
Adult Study – Luke Study: Go in-depth with a group as they read the
scripture, see how it differs from the other gospels, and feeds the
expectation of what God calls us to do as Christians. (Chris Weaver)
Tuesday Morning Small Group 10:00am
Adult Women’s Study – Just Like Jesus by Max Lucado: God loves
you the way you are but refuses to leave you there. He wants you to be
just like Jesus. Can you think of a better offer? In “Just Like Jesus”, we
will be reminded that being just like Jesus is impossible until we accept
one simple truth: God loves us. (Sue Augustine)
Wednesday Small Groups

IF – Gathering (Starting October 4th) 10:00am-12:00pm at Sal’s
Gelato! Start building the relationships God wants you to have with 2
hours and 4 questions. We believe discipleship is the way Jesus said the
world will change. Life-on-life. Coffee dates. In living rooms. In local
churches, studying God’s Word together. Making disciples who make
disciples. The reason we gather is because we actually want to live out
what we say we believe! We want to come together as a generation to
live out what He has called us to do. Sign up in the Connect Space
(Linda Page)
Yansy – Zoom Meeting 3:30-5:00pm – Jesus Revolution: The study
draws important parallels between the cultural atmosphere of that
period and our own time of spiritual apathy and outright hostility. But
God is not finished with today’s generation, and the next great
American revival may be coming.
Adult Study 6:30pm – Losing Something that matters to us:
Whether the feelings you are experiencing right now are due to your
choices, the inevitable changes that come with life, or the unimaginable
that can happen at any time or season, you can still feel the sting of
missing what you once had. This open group is where you can receive
support as you explore what you are experiencing. (Judi Gardner,
Virginia Kilbel)

Thursday Night Small Groups
Healing Care 6:00-9:00pm: Christians are often taught that when
you come to faith in Christ, you leave your past behind to focus on a
new future in Christ. Unfortunately, past events have shaped us
profoundly, and the impact of those events is not undone with a simple
prayer. Healing Care helps you advance into a more victorious future by
giving God access to your broken past. If interested, please contact
Karen Holowecky.
Wesley Class Group: Exploring our foundations as we see what it is
like to be part of weekly meetings based on the Renovare group
meeting template – so that we may witness to Jesus Christ in the world
and to follow his teachings through acts of compassion, justice,
worship, and devotion, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. (Stan

Saturday Small Groups
Saturday Morning Men’s Group 8:30-9:30 – Esther: An in-depth
study on the book of Esther and why it is in the Bible. How does it apply
to our culture today?.
If you have any questions regarding small groups at NUMC, please contact Pastor Becky Evanoff or the church office or call us at 330-929-0015.